Cylindrical Lenses - LIVE Lasersystems Development & Products

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Cylindrical Lenses
Cylindrical lenses for beam deformation/correction. Available as broadband version (400-700nm) in different sizes and magnifications.

Cylindrical lenses are like normales lenses, but deform just in on axis. They are usually used for beam forming/widening (f.e. after a multi mode diode with collimator) or for creating a focus in one axis.

We offer lens sets with different ratios. A 1:3 set is a perfect fit for correcting single mode diodes, f.e. correcting a elliptic beam profile.
Cylindrical lens
Dimensions tolerance+/- 0.1mm
Clear apterture> 85%
Surface quality40-20
AR coating
< 0.5% relfection
6x6mm set
Convex lens 6x6mm
Concave lens 6x6mm
8x8mm set
Convex lens 8x8mm
Concave lens 8x6mm
20x10mm set
Convex lens 20x10mm
Concave lens 10x10mm
Article in Shop
Cylindrical Lens
Optic for beam deformation.
(MwSt. excl.) 25,00 €
Compatible Accessories
Anamorphic Prism Pair
Optics for beam deformation.
(MwSt. excl.) 35,00 €
Aspheric collimator for laser diodes.
(MwSt. excl.) 13,00 €
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